Life as of late and a cute little pumpkin...

Good Morning!

I am just loving this fall weather we are having these days. I love being able to have all the windows open in the house and have a cool breeze come through. We are pretty much ready for Halloween as far as decorating the house goes. I didn't get as crazy as I normally like to because Poesy likes to grab, pull, and destroy pretty much anything she can get her little mitts on. What can I expect though really when there are cool shiny things within her reach!

She is growing so fast and is so smart. She makes me just want to sit and watch her all day. She likes to sing and dance. Her favorite song is "Happy Birthday". Her list of words is getting longer each day and so is her wild and crazy hair. She wears size 18 months clothes, size 4 shoes, and size 3 diapers. Teething is not as bad as it once was but still bugs her sometimes at night. We are still co-sleeping - we were going to try to get her into her own crib but it was harder on us than her I think. I'm not ready to let her go just yet!

We went to the pumpkin patch weekend before last and she picked her own pumpkin and walked all over the patch all by herself. She looked so adorable in her little pumpkin costume and boots.

Here are some pictures from that weekend:

Have a good Week! xo. Renae


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