Life as of late...

Summer is almost here and I have yet to post one entry for Spring!! I'm sad I have not blogged these past few months to help me remember this time in my life with Poesy. I have a goal to blog at least once a week so I can make sure to document different things going on in my little corner of the world.

On the home front we are still getting comfortable in our new home. We have yet to unpack 75% of our stuff and we are doing just fine without it. However, it would be nice to have the garage emptied so we are going to start working on purging ALOT of stuff we don't need and haven't missed. I love our little bungalow, it's cozy and just the right size for us. I will post some pics in a later post to show the before and after so far.

Poesy, Poesy, Poesy... Where do I even begin. This little girl is a firecracker that is for sure. She turned 1 year old in February and started walking exactly one week from her birthday, she quickly went from walking to running to climbing to now wanting to jump off of the things the climbs onto. She is our fearless tomboy. I'm going to have to start keeping notes on things she does that I want to write about because there are so many funny things she does. She keeps me laughing all day long and that is my favorite thing to do! Her birthday was a success and I will be doing a post on that next!

Here is what she is doing now at almost 15 months:

Milestone & New Discoveries:
- She is finally starting to eat real food, she is a little picky but it is a relief that she will actually try stuff now
- We found out she is allergic to grass, pollen, and mold
- She loves to climb onto her little chair and then onto the couch and sit like a big girl
- She likes Dora and Yo Gabba Gabba
- Poe really enjoys her bath time and runs and picks out her toys and throws them into the tub
- She has 8 teeth so far
- She LOVE LOVE LOVES being outside
- Always dancing
- Favorite songs: Twinkle, Twinkle & Happy Birthday
- She weighs almost 18 lbs! She is tiny and adorable.

Poe's Vocab: - Momma - Dada - Bamma (Grama) - Cool - Ooooh! - What's that? - Who's that? - Bubbles! - MOM!

The weather is FINALLY warming up and staying that way this week so I want to make sure we get out and do some sunshiny things before it starts getting too hot.

Thanks for reading!


  1. So cute and love the sentiment...joined your blog as a new follower found you on Kit and Clowder....hope you call into see me and join up.xx
    The Journey is the Start


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