
Just five weeks left!!!!

So I think I'm probably one of the few pregnant women who doesn't feel like you normally would at this stage in pregnancy whom at this point are usually sick of being pregnant and feel like they have been pregnant for what I'm guessing feels like forever. Since I didn't find out until the end of October and 5 months into it I'm still feeling pretty good. Excited to meet our baby of course but not like I'm gonna die or anything, hahaha. I can say I am pretty thankful for that. The only complaints I have are my back aches but with the help from this awesome pregnancy pillow a friend lent me and some pain cream I just started using they haven't been as bad. I just recently had my first case of swollen feet which went down by the next morning but keeps happening in the evening. Oh and the restless legs! I feel like I want to run a marathon at midnight and it's super annoying cause I just want to relax.

Today I went back to the Dr. for another ultrasound that I was actually supposed have yesterday but the Dr. ended up in surgery so I went in to get weighed basically :/ So they called me this morning and asked me to come in, they really wanted to get me in this week. SO I went in and they did her little tests - checked her kidneys, stomach, her movements, my placenta, and I'm sure other stuff I don't really know about. When they did her movement test they look for her hand or foot to see if she wiggles her fingers or toes and this time she was actually holding her foot in her hand. It was soo dang cute! She had a good grip on it too so the tech had me roll over on my side to get her to move her hand and she did. So she scored 100% on all her tests again this week! I think I have a little genius brewing ;)

This past week I got our bags packed ready for the hospital and our house is completely clean with the exception of the carpets that are getting shampooed this weekend. We are also installing our car seats in our vehicles this weekend too. I think we are ready! Just counting down the weeks, days, then minutes!!

Sunday we are doing some couple pregnancy photos so that will be my 35 week post - stay tuned!!

xoxo. Renae & poesy


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