Crochet Everyday...

Well almost everyday anyway, I have been crocheting mostly at work these days since I have been so busy most evenings I can't really fit it in. I have been super productive however! I was making little Easter chicks for about two weeks (pics later) and now I'm onto cotton spring hats. I love hats! I like to wear them and make them. Right now I'm using patterns from Speckled Frog's etsy shop along with some of my own little tweeks to the patterns. Her patterns are super easy to read and follow so check them out if you get a chance. Here are some photos of the hats I've made since last Thursday, they will be posted in my Etsy shop when I get a spare second to post them...Enjoy

Happy Wednesday! Yay only one more day of work for me tomorrow is my Friday :)

xoxo. Ren


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