My monday is finally over...

Mondays are the hardest day of the week for me. I do not like them at all. I always feel like I need at least an extra three hours of sleep when I get up in the morning and feel sluggish all day. I don't usually do anything over the weekend to make me feel this way, I'm just simply not a Monday person. I'm just so glad I work from home and don't have to get ready in the morning. This evening was the first night of the cold season that I had to scrape ice off my windshield. That is another wonderful thing I don't have to worry about this winter.

I have tons of custom orders I'm working on. I've been getting them almost daily! I think it's great that people want to wear my goods :) At the moment I am working on three owl hats. I just need to put the eyes on them and they are complete and ready to warm up someone's noggin! I so wish I had the money and the space to buy every color of the rainbow in yarn and in bulk so I wouldn't have to make a billion trips to the craft store every week.

In other news I'm going to be getting a cute little tattoo here real soon! I'm hoping maybe this Friday but I'm not for sure yet. It is going to be yarn related and I can't wait to see what my friend Addy/the tattoo artist has come up with. I gave her a few ideas of what I wanted and she will work her magic. It has been years since I got my last tattoo (huge peonies across my shoulder blades) so I don't even know what to expect anymore, I'm kinda nervous.

I will leave you tonite with some cute and pretty tattoos all found via WeHeartIt.

This last one is sorta creepy but I think it's pretty neat looking.

Good Night,
xoxo Ren


  1. You'd better text me a pic THE MINUTE your tattoo is finished. Sorry your Monday stank, mine was good but my Tuesday was not so great! Emory is stuffy and wanting to be held nonstop, and certain people are annoying the pee out of me (guess who... you know!). Love you!


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