Cookie, cookie, cookie...

So it's Monday, we all know I don't do well on Mondays. Today is actually going by kinda fast though so it's not too bad. Last night we had our first snow here in beautiful Colorado! It was so pretty :) I'm currently in the midst of organzing my very first "Ugly Christmas Sweater & Cookie Exchange Party". I'm beyond excited for this little shin-dig. As my mom said "Ugly Sweaters & pretty Cookies sounds like a good time!"

The rules and regs for a good time!
1. Bring two dozen cookies
2. Bring a copy of your recipe to share
3. You can bring a container to take your cookies home if you would like
4. If you don't bake or have time bakery cookies are ok!
5. Wear and ugly Christmas sweater, the ugliest will win a prize

I'm having the guests rsvp what cookies they are bringing to avoid having multiples of the same recipe this way we have a good variety. I think I'm going to make a few batches just to snack on too. We will be serving mixed drinks, cocoa, and coffee.

I am going to be making Cranberry Oatmeal with white chocolate chunks!! I love them and they are always a hit when I put them on cookie trays. I will be posting the recipe for them later in the week if you want to tickle your own taste buds!

Are you planning or going to any fun holiday parties this season!? Do share?

Happy Holly Days!

xo. Ren


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