Labor 'O' Love...

Happy Labor Day! Today has been a pretty chill day. Jer and I woke up really early to go get some much needed things out of my storage unit. I've been needing to get in there for some time but it's been so hot and it wouldn't be a quick trip since it is jam packed. Like filled to the top from front to back. I did get what I was looking for luckily though. The tv remote, my huge box of yarn, my diabetic test strips, my little ottoman, a lamp and bunch more randmon but useful things. We had a little breakfast and then we each went to our parents houses for a little bit and I actually took an unplanned nep which was awesome! Then we just came back home and relaxed until it was time to go back to Jeremiah's rents for a little Labor Day BBQ get together. It was tasty as usual and of course I had a tons of laughs. I love those people. Now I'm just gonna loaf around and crochet a hat while watching DEXTER!

This week I hope to get in a few bike ride the weather has been perfect for ridin'!

How was your day? Did you have a relaxing one?

xoxo. Ren


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