I lose everything...

I have no idea where the heck I put my cord for my camera! It's driving me nuts! Anyone seen it?? Eh it will turn up and once it does I will be posting tons of pictures from my niece Jasmine's Fabulous Fairy party that took place this last Sunday. I was nothing less that super duper CUTE!!!! Come on 10 girls dressed as fairys my self included it couldn't get any cuter. I will have more to come on that later.

These upcoming months are gonna be super fun and busy. Omaha/Wedding next week, followed by a Bridal Shower, JerBear's Birthday, Kristen's Wedding, Mom's Birthday, my first Ween concert! and more that I can't mention just yet.

What do you have planned for fall! Oh yum, I love Autumn --- Pumpkin Spice time is coming!!!!!

P.S. How cool is that picture I found at weheartit.com up top....I love it, it's kinda Tim Burton-ish!


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