Dancin' in the rain...

My little sis had a run in with some Kings of Leon tickets last minute. She asked me to go with go so of course I was on board. We got out of town as soon as I got out of work, came home took a quick shower and got dressed. It was still extremely hot here in Pueblo so I thought I would wear a comfy sundress. We hit the road and headed north for Denver and of course hit a major rainstorm on the way. This Colorado weather is insane not to mention I was not really wearing rain friendly attire. I knew I should have wore my rain boots!!!! So it pretty much continued to rain the entire time. The drive up, through dinner at “Gunther Toody’s” ( a 50’s themed diner in Denver) , and through the whole concert. Luckily I never leave home un-prepared and I packed some extra clothes which I changed into at the diner.
At the show we danced in rain to some awesome tunes and got totally soaked! “Built to Spill” opened up for K-O-L and they were pretty great too.
So I failed to mention that we parked about two blocks away from the venue in a “free” parking lot - which consisted of weeds and dirt. We left the show prior to the encore because we wanted to beat the insane traffic that would be sure to follow. I drive a 1998 Volkswagen GTI…NOT the best to drive up a dirt hill after it has been raining for hours and has now turned into mud. So yea we drove half way up the little hill and pretty much slid right back down, after a couple more failed and scary attempts I backed it up and took a different route. We finally made it! I was pretty scary, I had no idea driving on mud was worse than driving on ice. My car just went pretty much wherever it wanted and luckily we didn’t hit any parked cars when sliding because we came VERY close! The ride home was smooth and seemed pretty short which I was thankful for since I was a little tired.

Here are some pics from the day:


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