I love my momma!...

"I believe in love at fist sight because I have been
loving my mom since I opened my eyes."

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommmies out there.
I love my momma soo much, here are the top 10 reasons why.

-1. She is my best friend
-2. She is the most caring, helpful person I know
-3. She makes me laugh
-4. She has excellent taste in music (most of the time)
-5. She is crafty and passed that on to me
-6. She will always be there for me when I need her
-7. She taught me how to shop 'til I drop
-8. She is beautiful & amazing
-9. She taught me how to clean the "right" way
-10. She makes the best peanut and jelly sandwiches & burritos

(images via weheartit.com)


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