
Just got done eating a bowl of classic Shredded Wheat Biscuits. I forgot how yummy those are, I haven't had them in years. I usually prefer Frosted Mini Wheats but now with the recent change in lifestyle I went for the unsweetened sweetened with a packet of Splenda bowl of goodness. That cereal reminds me of my late grama Duran. She always had that kind of cereal or puffed wheat too! Speaking of sugar my glucose levels have been right on target! I'm soo happy. This is not as hard as I thought it would be, it's all about being aware of what your eating and how much your moving. I feel so much better already. I have my first diabetic class next week at the hospital so hopefully it will be really informative and helpful.

The healthy range for me is between around 75-170 (anything higher is not good) I apologize in advance if this is boring but I will be documenting my progression and successes of living with diabetes regularly her on Pandamonium. It's apart of me now :(

Today I already went to the gym with my friends Kristy and Nikki. They are sisters and hilarious. They are from Wisconsin and I get a kick out of their accents. Now I'm off to shower, do some laundry, and fold clothes.

Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure!


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