Collections through the years...

Here is a list of stuff/things I've collected over the years, some I still have the colllections others have either been sold or given away or something. Some of them make me laugh like "Lisa Frank stuff" I had so much of her stuff it was insane, stationary, stamps, stickers, you name it I probaly had it! That was when I was in like 4th thru 6th grade. I still have a few pieces. Here is just a small peek at how geeky I really am and not afraid to share it :)

•Hello Kitty
•Pez Dispensers
•Nail Polish
•Knitting Needles
•Craft Books
•Clear Stamps
•Paper Stacks
•Baking Books
•Purses & Bags
•Vintage Stuff
•Andy Warhol
•Lisa Frank Stuff
•Water Bottles
•Dessert Platters
•Kitchen Gadgets

(all images found on weheartit)

I hope you are having a relaxing weekend!



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