Happy New Year....One week later...

Ringing in the New Year was very pleasant this year. Last year Jeremiah & I went to Oklahoma for the Flaming Lips New Year's Show it was a blast. This year was different we went to his parents and had dinner and played alot of Wii! I love the bowling. I left for a little bit and went to my friend Rhonda's for her New Year's karoke party and pretty much sang from the time I got there until I left. I had so much fun and now I want to buy an Xbox so I can have that game, but I won't. I had a few drinks so Jeremiah swooped in and picked me up just in time to get back to his parents for the countdown and our New Year's kiss.

Since then not much has been going on other that my cousin and her two little babes will be moving in this weekend. So I have been clearing out my craft room aka the craft cave to give her my other room. At first I was a little sad to be giving it up but it is for the best. She needs a place to stay and I can use the help financially so we both win :) We have lived together before so we know the ropes and we are only six months apart so we are very close anyway. I'm just glad that we can help one another out when we can. That's what family is all about right!?

Well goodnight and I hope you all have had a great first week of 2010.


(the first four photos were found on weheartit)


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